
  As soon as he arrived

  As soon as he arrived, Columbus issued a proclamation, approving ofthe measures of his brother in his absence, and denouncing the rebels withwhom Bartholomew had been contending. He found the difficulties whichsurrounded him were of the most serious character. He had not forceenough to take up arms against the rebels of different names. He offeredpardon to them in the name of the sovereigns, and that they refused,moncler jackets women.
  Columbus was obliged, in order to maintain any show of authority, topropose to the sovereigns that they should arbitrate between his brotherand Roldan, who was the chief of the rebel party. He called to the minds ofFerdinand and Isabella his own eager desire to return to San Domingosooner, and ascribed the difficulties which had arisen, in large measure, tohis long delay. He said he should send home the more worthless men byevery ship.
  He asked that preachers might be sent out to convert the Indians and toreform the dissolute Spaniards. He asked for officers of revenue, and for alearned judge. He begged at the same time that, for two years longer, thecolony might be permitted to employ the Indians as slaves, but hepromised they would only use such as they captured in war andinsurrections.
  By the same vessel the rebels sent out letters charging Columbus and his brother with the grossest oppression and injustice. All these letterscame to court by one messenger. Columbus was then left to manage asbest he could, in the months which must pass, before he could receive ananswer.
  He was not wholly without success. That is to say, no actual battlestook place between the parties before the answer returned. But when itreturned, it proved to be written by his worst enemy, Fonseca. It was agenuine Spanish answer to a letter which required immediate decision.
  That is to say, Columbus was simply told that the whole matter must beleft in suspense till the sovereigns could make such an investigation asthey wished. The hope, therefore, of some help from home was whollydisappointed.
  Roldan, the chief of the rebels, was encouraged by this news to takehigher ground than even he had ventured on before. He now proposed thathe should send fifteen of his company to Spain, also that those whoremained should not only be pardoned, but should have lands grantedthem; third, that a public proclamation should be made that all chargesagainst him had been false; and fourth, that he should hold the office ofchief judge,nike shox torch ii, which he had held before the rebellion.
  Columbus was obliged to accede to terms as insolent as these, and therebels even added a stipulation, that if he should fail in fulfilling either ofthese articles, they might compel him to comply, by force or any othermeans. Thus was he hampered in the very position where, by the king'sorders, and indeed, one would say, by the right of discovery, he was thesupreme master.
  For himself, he determined to return with Bartholomew to Spain, andhe made some preparations to do so. But at this time he learned,Discount UGG Boots, from thewestern part of the island, that four strange ships had arrived there. Hecould not feel that it was safe to leave the colony in such a condition oflatent rebellion as he knew it to be in; he wrote again to the sovereigns,and said directly that his capitulation with the rebels had been extorted byforce, and that he did not consider that the sovereigns, or that he himself,were bound by it. He pressed some of the requests which he had madebefore, and asked that his son Diego,replica louis vuitton handbags, who was no longer a boy, might be sent out to him.

